» Contents
» (0) Quickstart
» (1) Introduction
» (2) Installation & setup
» (3) Creating a character & starting to play
» (4) The world
» (4.11) Malicious effects players can suffer
» (5) Item and flag details, elements
» (6) Monster details
» (7) Character details
» (8) Tactics & strategy
» (9) Miscellanous

(4.10a) Player stores
(4.11a) Drain effects
(4.11) Malicious effects players can suffer                                     
The player can suffer from various effects caused by monsters, traps or
himself. Against several of these effects the 'Saving Throw' ability helps
to decide whether it will be resisted or not (especially true for effects
that are cast by monsters on the player - see (7.3) for more details
on Saving Throw).
The various effects are:

For 'Fear', 'Blindness', 'Confusion' and 'Paralysis' - please see (5.6).

Hunger  -Gorged         Your speed gets reduced by 10.

        -Full           While being /afk in 'Full' state or in normal state
                        (normal = no food state is displayed, the 'Full'
                        disappeared), your digestion will be stopped, allowing
                        you to remain afk as long as you wish.


        -Starved (yellow) or 'Weak' in old game versions <= 4.8.0
                        You will regenerate hit points slower,

        -Starved (orange) or 'Weak' in old game versions <= 4.8.0
                        You will regenerate hit points slower,

        -Starved (red)    or 'Weak' in old game versions <= 4.8.0
         (starving)     You lose hit points and get paralyzed even with FA.
                        You will not regenerate hit points from resting.

                        If you hit a bowel cramps trap, you instantly enter
                        this nutrition state. 'Slow Digestion' (and of course
                        normal 'Free Action') will prevent insta-paralysis
                        from the trap.

        Note that you don't consume food in towns, in town areas, while AFK and
        not already hungry (or worse), and in the Arena Monster Challenge.

Slowdown        Monsters can cast spells or breathe (inertia, gravity) to slow
                the player down. This effect is temporary. 'Free Action' helps
                a bit to reduce the effect from inertia breath.

Stun    -Stun           Reduces to-hit and to-dam.
                        Reduces your martial arts damage (because you cannot
                        perform MA special styles while stunned).
                        Reduces chance for successful spell-casting.
                        Prevents you from intercepting a monster (see (7.2)
                        'Interception' skill).
                        Reduces chance to block or parry.
        -Heavy stun     Greatly reduces to-hit and to-dam.
                        Reduces your martial arts damage (because you cannot
                        perform MA special styles while stunned).
                        Greatly reduces chance for successful spell-casting.
        -Knocked out    You cannot perform any action while knocked out,
                        it leaves your character completely helpless.

                        High AC helps to avoid melee-based stuns (see (6.4))
                        (most famous monster is probably "The Stormbringer"),
                        while stun from sound attacks can only be prevented
                        by having sound resistance.

                        Melee-based stun can be caused by monsters critically
                        hitting you, also see (*) below.

        Most means of Curing, Cure Critical Wounds and Healing will also remove
        any stun. Therefore it is recommended to treat any form of stun
        immediately, before it builds up. In unlucky cases a normal Stun might
        even turn straight into a Knocked out state, so even a light 'Stun'
        should be cured right away.

Cut                     Cuts will make you lose HP continuously.
(Graze, Light cut, Bad cut, Nasty cut, Severe cut, Deep gash, Mortal wound)
                        Cuts can be caused by melee based critical monster hits
                        (also see (*) below), or by shard attacks.
                        By transforming into a monster that has NO_CUT flag
                        (mostly undead forms), the player becomes immune to
                        cut effects.
                        Cuts from shards can be avoided with shard resistance.
                        Cure Light/Serious Wounds potions can heal cuts a bit,
                        while Cure Critical Wounds and Healing work much better
                        and any means of 'Curing' will completely heal cuts.
                        Note that half-trolls, trolls and hydras can continue
                        regenerating HP even while cut.

Poison   -Poisoned      The player will continuously lose Hit Points.
                        Resisting poison will prevent the player from getting
                        poisoned (compare (5.6)).
                        Slow Poison (potions) will reduce the speed at which
                        poison ticks and drains your HP. Best is of course to
                        have means of Cure/Neutralize Poison, 'Curing', or
                        some Lembas, which will all completely cure poison.

Disease  -Diseased      Very similar to poison, but poison resistance does not
                        help against this. Can be cured by eating some Lembas,
                        a sprig of Athelas, Holiness staves, *Healing* (or
                        potions of Life) or any curing magic.

Hallucination           These are random wrong visual, like wrong symbols and
                        colours for monster and other players.
                        "You can't believe what you are seeing!"
                        This effect is pretty annoying as you cannot clearly
                        see what kind of monsters you are up against, making
                        a fight potentially risky, and you cannot even target
                        monsters (using auto-targetting macro etc).
                        You will also get wrong kill messages when you slay
                        monsters while hallucinating.
                        There are several ways to cure hallucinations, such as
                        mushrooms of Cure Paranoia, Lembas, 'Curing' magic and
                        any insanity-curing potions.
                        Hallucinations can be induced as a one-time effect for
                        example by eating a mushroom of hallucination, but also
                        as a recurring flashback when your Sanity is reduced.

Not really a status effect but..
Switch places           Monsters that have MOVE_BODY flag may switch place with
                        the player. This can be very dangerous if it happens in
                        a situation where the player is standing on a staircase
                        on purpose to retreat quickly if the situation gets out
                        of hands and the player is also within a no-teleport
                        The higher the player's level and the greater his body
                        weight is, the less likely he is going to get switched.

(*) Details about melee-induced cuts and stuns:
 For a monster attack to cause cuts or stun it must deal at least 95% of its
 potential damage maximum (rounded down). This is also called a 'critical hit'
 of a monster (has nothing to do with the critical-hit mechanics for player
 attacks). See 'Critical hits by monsters' in (6.4) for more information.

An attack type ('HIT') that can do both, cut and stun, will randomly do either
one, but never both at once. The 95% damage criterium is measured for the final
damage ie after the damage-reduction of AC has been applied. This is why
high armour class helps *alot* to prevent any type of cut or stun effect that
comes from critical hits by monsters, no matter how high the actual potential
damage of that attack might be.
However, unlike the most common damage types (like 'HURT') certain damage types
cannot be mitigated by AC and hence their cut/stun potential is always to be
reckoned with (see damage types in the second table in (6.5), which say so if
they can be mitigated by AC.)

A Star-Spawn of Cthulhu hits you with its 2d33 CRUSH attack. The attack could
deal 2..66 damage. This means its potential maximum damage is 66 (if both dice
rolls turn out a 33 each). 95% of 66 is 62 (rounded down from 62.7), so if that
hit deals a final damage of 62 or higher, you will get stunned. Note that this
attack of the Star-Spawn doesn't have a HURT effect but instead an UN_BONUS
effect. UN_BONUS attacks do not get their damage reduced by AC, so a Star-Spawn
always has a chance to stun you, even if your AC is very high.
(4.10a) Player stores
(4.11a) Drain effects