» Contents » (0) Quickstart » (1) Introduction » (2) Installation & setup » (3) Creating a character & starting to play » (4) The world » (4.5a) Shops and their services
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(4.5a) Shops and their services ------------------------------- Each town has several shops, displayed as numbers '1'..'9' and some '+'. (There are some special variations of these shops too, located in dungeons.) The 1-9 standard shops that recur in almost every town are.. General Store 1 Sells food, lanterns, ammunition, cloaks and shrooms. Armoury 2 Offers various basic armour. Rarely excellent pieces. Also offers to repair damaged armour (which is cheaper than enchanting it, except for rather expensive items). Weaponsmith 3 Offers various basic weapons. Rarely excellent pieces. Also offers to repair damaged weapons (which is cheaper than enchanting it, except for rather expensive items). Temple 4 Player ghosts will be revived here, and receive some money. The temple also sells a selection of blunt weaponry, scrolls and potions. The temple priest will also attempt to cure, heal or feed you if you enter the temple in bad condition. Since 4.4.9 the temple also offers you to toggle 'Instant Resurrection', a new feature that is only available for everlasting players and will immediately resurrect a player at the temple when he dies, removing the need to wait for some other player to come and rescue him. In turn, the experience penalty will be 50% instead of the usual 35%. Insta-res also keeps all your items except for the usual chance to lose a few of them on death, which is the same as for normal deaths. However, the player will need to have enough cash to pay an instant resurrection fee when he dies, which is: Dungeonlevel * dungeonlevel * 10 + 10 gold pieces. Eg at -50ft Orc Cave it's 10 * 10 * 10 + 10 = 1010 Au. The money is automatically deducted from the purse or the bank account as required. If the player does not have enough money in total then resurrection will fail and the player will remain a ghost in the dungeon as usual when not using instant resurrection. Instant resurrection does not work in no-ghost dungeons (ie ironman or hellish) and dungeon levels (ie floors where Morgoth is) or in the Nether Realm. You can use the /ex command to check whether instant resurrection is enabled, it will tell you if so. Then it will additionally display the fee needed for your current dungeon level, displayed in red if you don't have enough funds. Or if you aren't in a dungeon it will instead display the maximum dungeon level your current funds would suffice for. Some example fees for quick reference: Barrow-Downs -1000 ft 4010 Au Barrow-Downs bottom 12260 Au Orc Caves bottom 5300 Au Mordor bottom 43570 Au Mount Doom bottom 98020 Au Angband bottom 161300 Au Cloud Planes top 222020 Au Nether Realm -50 ft 275570 Au Nether Realm bottom 384170 Au Alchemy Shop 5 Sells various scrolls and potions. Magic Shop 6 Sells wands, staves, rings and amulets. Black Market 7 Sells many different items, mostly very good ones. This shop is very expensive and buys for very little in return. Better not sell your items to this shop, as long as a regular store will pay you better. Some items cannot be sold elsewhere though. The black market randomly offers practically any item, although some can be extremely rare (for example high dragon scale mails or scrolls of artifact creation) with very few exceptions. These items never appear: - Golem-creation related items (massive base materials, limbs, command scrolls). - Talismans (amulets of luck). - Magic or ethereal ammunition. - Runes, except in the Secret Black Market (dungeon). - Items that can only be used by winners (WINNERS_ONLY) - Items of base value not greater than 50 Au. (This means that cursed ego items where the ego power value is 0 can also not be generated, same as for any other shop. No shop offers items worth 0 Au.) - Potions of experience, invulnerability, learning, chauve-souris, cure insanty (any tier). The Inn 8 In Bree it's The Prancing Pony. Inside the inn, players are relatively safe from monsters. Bookstore 9 Sells books for istari, priests and all other (hybrid) magic users. Bookstores in higher-level towns on average also tend to sell higher-level spells (this is a bookstore-specific specialty, other town shops do not differ in this way). The 'o'rder command you can use in town stores is especially useful in bookstores as it allows you to order specific spells and prayers you are looking for. Then there are various shops that just use a normal door '+' symbol, these are different everywhere. Some examples are mainly.. Inn The first inn you see is the spawn point of newly created characters: The Prancing Pony in Bree. While the '8' is just the entrance into the tavern, the '+' is the actual bar where you can order things from the innkeeper. All inns are safe zones where you cannot get harmed by monsters from outside, and items dropped inside in inn will persist and not time out. If you go AFK in a town you should always do so in the local inn to be safe. Mayor's Office (Bree) Allows you to turn in deed parchments you won in tournaments or on other occasions for a reward. Also, you can receive an extermination order here (see (4.13) about those). Last but not least you can check out a list of noteworthy occurances that may happened lately. There are other major buildings in different cities that will provide extermination orders. The Mathom-house This is located in the same building as the Mayor's Office, the biggest building in Bree. It allows donation of items (irrevocably), functioning similar to a museum. Most importantly though it holds a list of all known dungeons and their exploration states, under 'Exploration history': As soon as someone on the server locates the entrance staircase to a dungeon or tower for the first time, it will be listed here for everyone to see. Likewise, the first time someone enters the dungeon, its starting depth will be made known here too. The first time someone visits the final (deepest) floor of the dungeon, this information will also be added. And lastly, if someone meets the dungeon's boss, its existance be recorded here too. If a dungeon has no boss then visiting its final floor will already result in the information being recorded here that it has no final guardian. The Mathom-house also has another function, 'Exploration reports': This just lists how frequently dungeons have recently been visited, which decays over time again. In general, dungeons that haven't been visited for some time will yield extra experience bonus for players that go there, quad-tiered over +0%, +7%, +13% and +20%. The Merchants Guild An NPC run guild that offers two services, a bank account to deposit your money in so you won't lose it accidentally on a dungeon trip, and a mail service that allows you to send money or an item to other players for a fee, and optionally impose a price on an item you send that the receipient must pay you in return for accepting it. Several towns have a subsidiary, you can globally access your bank account and mail from any of those. (Of course, should your character die permanently then its account balance will be erased too.) Explanation of the mail system's details: You can choose to send money or an item to another character. All usual trading restrictions apply. It costs a small fee depending on the value sent, which can also be imposed on the receipient (COD, collect on delivery) if the sender wishes so. Further, when sending an item, you may optionally force the receipient to pay a price in order to receive it which will be sent back to you by the Merchants Guild, making it useful for asynchronous item trading too. Mail will arrive after about a minute real-time and then allow for a one week real-time span to get picked up by the receipient. If it expires it will be sent back and again the original sender has one week to pick it up. If this time frame expires too the mail will be erased and therefore the money or item will be lost irrevocably. If the receipient dies before he can pick up the mail then the mail will be returned to the sender too who then again has one week to pick it up until it expires and gets deleted irrevocably. If the mail gets returned to the sender for any reason but the sender character no longer exists, the mail will also get erased irrevocably. Rune Repository (This shop might not exist or only exist in very specific locations in certain game verions.) Sells and buys runes used by Runemasters. Casino Minas Anor has a casino. Go and try your luck! (There are various gambling opportunities, and also the ancient board game 'Go' which can be played on a 9x9 board for a one-time fee on each difficulty level. Get your Go game records emailed to you via "/kifu" (japanese) or "/gibo" (korean) command, same thing.) For details about the gambling rules of the casino, see subsequent (4.5a2) paragraph. Minstrels Haven Mass Identify Service (Identify Possessions): Will identify all items you currently carry for a fee. See (5.7) for more information about identification. Library *Identify* Service, will *identify* an item for a fee. See (5.7) for more information about ID, *ID*, shops! Earth-Dome Herbal Healing Service. Will cure black breath for a high fee. (See (4.11a) for more information about Black Breath.) Sea-Dome Morph Restoration Service. Restores your form to normal in case you were polymorphed (for example by a potion of Chauve-Souris). Star-Dome Offers service to identify all your items at once. Also offers a recharging service for magic devices. Valarin Temple Restores all drained attributes and experience. Enchant Services (found in various stores, for different item types): These will enchant weapons, arrows, or armour you have equipped. For weapons, this will attempt to enchant a main-hand or off-hand (if dual-wielding) weapon, for armour this will look through all armour slots. When an eligible item is found, it will be enchanted. Cursed items, artifacts and items that cannot be enchanted are not eligible and will be skipped. Only one item is enchanted at a time, so if you have three enchantable pieces of armour that aren't in perfect state, you'll have to take the enchant service three times. The resulting enchantment bonus of the item is your character level divided by 5 and 5 added to that, with the result capped at a maximum of +20, therefore reached at level 75. At level 50 the enchantment would be 50/5 + 5 = 10 + 5 = 15, which is the maximum enchantment reachable by using *enchant* scrolls. Ammunition can never be enchanted above (+15,+15). Note that enchant services will not break curses. Mining Supply Store In the hazardous city of Khazad-Dum is a store that offers some goods found to be useful by the miners in the mountain depths. The Mirror Donate gold and pray to the gods. (EXPERIMENTAL: allows a fallen winner to solo-reking.) This is a special option which allows fallen kings and queens to get their fate changed by the gods: Their Morgoth kill will be undone so they may challenge him once more, to regain their royal title! (In game slang, this is called 'solo-rekinging'.) This service is useful if you do not have any team mate who still hasn't killed Morgoth yet, to kill Morgoth in a party together with him, which is the traditional way of obtaining a lost royal title again. To gain the favour of the gods and have your fate changed you will need to donate at least 5 million gold pieces. In addition to this you can either donate another 5 million or you can wait for about 2 weeks (real time, you don't even need to be logged on!) or you can gain about 5 million raw experience points or a mix of all these, up to your personal preference. The two weeks begin to count immediately after you have died. 'Raw' experience means that it's simply the amount of experience shown in the monster spoiler (~7) and the only other factors are the monster's clone state and you being on appropriate depth (grey depth indicator will prevent gain completely and a yellow one will reduce gain accordingly). Your race and class which may usually diminish your experience gain (worst for Maiar) do NOT factor in, so the amount of monster slaying is exactly the same for everyone. However, YOU will need to kill the monster! Kills done by party members will not count for you. So even if your character is at the exp cap at level 50 and does not seem to gain any more experience, this 'raw experience' will still accumulate and count for obtaining the favour of the gods. Even if you just donate 0 gold, as a fallen winner you will still see feedback messages about the remaining amount of gold to donate and experience points to gain for your fate to change. So if you are just missing XP or time, just check back regularly until it tells you in a bright green message that your fate has finally been changed: "You feel your fate has been changed!" The conversion rates are, as mentioned above: 1 minute of time passed = 250 Xp = 250 Au. Some random examples to gain the gods' favour: a) pay 10M straight. b) pay 5M, wait for about 2 weeks. c) pay 2M, wait for about a week, gain 2.5M raw exp, pay 3M more. d) gain 4M raw exp, pay 6M gold. ------------------------------------------------------- Lose Memories I / Lose Memories II (EXPERIMENTAL): The Mirror also houses magicians that have another extraordinary ability: To reset one of your skills! WARNING: This will NOT work on the following skills, which are considered essential core skills that would allow for cheezing a character's progression path: - Martial Arts, Sword/Blunt/Axe/Polearm mastery, - Sling/Bow/Crossbow/Boomerang mastery, - Magic Device. However, this will ONLY work when you have attained a maximum level of 35, not earlier and not later, and it will only work once per character! If you die and thereby lose levels, as long as your top level reached is exactly 35 you are still eligible. The magicians there have two spells available for this procedure.. A) Lose Memories I: An advanced spell that wipes some of your memories, while still keeping your brain flexible enough to retain the skill points. As an unfortunate side effect, you will also lose 5 levels worth of your character's experience, leaving you at level 30. B) Lose Memories II: A highly complex spell that chirurgically wipes only the desired memories, so you keep level 35. This spell is quite costly though and the magicians will ask for a fair compensation of 1.5 million Au for their service. The Soothsayer Presage fate. Will tell you a random rumour. Also tends to sell potions of restore mana, albeit not cheaply at all. ..and various miscellaneous store services, of which some currently may not have an actual effect. Price limits: ------------- Shops that buy and sell items will have a price limit that they will pay for an item a players wants to sell. The limit varies from 50,000 to 300,000 Au depending on the shop owner. The shop owners change regularly, if a shop makes you a bad offer (the cap price) just wait for the owner to change or visit a different shop. Shops in different towns are run by different owners although they may use the same number '1'..'9' and '+' for their entrance symbols. If the item is worth more than 300,000 Au maybe you can find a fellow player who is wealthy and in urgent need of your items. Item orders ----------- The basic town stores also allow you to order specific basic items that they usually offer in their store template. These items will come without any hit/damage/ac enchantments or ego powers, but in their plain versions. To order an item, enter a store that provides this option: 'o) Order an item' Then specify number and name of the item, examples: potion of restore strength 20 scrolls of identify spell crystal of psionic blast and you will be prompted with the price you'd have to pay upfront, then you can accept or decline. If you accept, the money will be deduced from your purse and the shopkeeper will let you know how long the delivery of your order will approximately take, in in-game time. So if it takes "about an hour" that will be much less in real world time for you to wait. Note that for spells and runes you don't need to type out the full item name! Just typing the spell name or rune name will be sufficient. Items that are very common in that store will cost about the same amount of money that you'd pay when buying them the regular way, while items that occur only very rarely in a shop can be much more expensive to order. Ordering a pile of items instead of just one will prolong the delivery time. You can only have one order in process at any time. If you want to order a different item you will have to wait until your order is delivered and fetch it. When you enter a shop where you had an order placed and the item has arrived then it will be automatically placed in your inventory. If you meanwhile purchase the same type of item in the shop's regular stock that will not affect your delivery in any way. The delivered item will carry an inscription containing the shop name. It is possible that the item arrives earlier than expected, as part of the store's regular stock. In that case the shop owner will inform you and hand you out as many of those items as possible (if you have ordered a pile of them), that amount will then automatically be deduced from your outstanding order. To cancel an order, visit the store where you ordered it, press 'o' againand type "cancel". You will lose your deposited money though! The '/ex' slash command shows if you still have an active order and at which store in which town exactly. While blacklisted, your item orders will not be processed but on hold until your blacklist timer runs out. Even if the ordered item is in stock it will not be handed to you. Shop scumming: -------------- Shops regularly change their inventory on a random basis: Roughly every 33 seconds there is a chance that some items might get dropped and/or some new items might get added to the store inventory. This "store maintenance" stacks up to 10 times while no player is actually visiting the store. That means that shop-scumming can be done as fast as checking every ~33 seconds for best results if you don't mind the effort, and on the other hand allows for pretty relaxed scumming by checking about every 5 1/2 minutes. Or anywhere between 33 seconds and 5 1/2 minutes, as you personally prefer. See (5.7) for more information about ID, *ID* and shops!