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(7.8c) Runespell Tables ----------------------- Runecraft enables a breadth of effects, catalogued in the tables below. Elements -------- A table of every projectable element accessed through one or two rune skills. Weight is the relative base damage for an element, which is similar to the maximum damage caps listed in section (5.6). ie. Fire damage >> Mana damage! Artifacts and certain items may be unaffected by the various elemental effects. See section (5.6) for more information about elemental attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rune | Rune | Element | Weight | Special Effect | Affects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light | Light | Light | 400 | Blindness | Darkness | Darkness | Darkness | 550 | Blindness | Nexus | Nexus | Nexus | 250 | Tele/Stats | Most Items Nether | Nether | Nether | 550 | EXP Drain | Chaos | Chaos | Chaos | 600 | Hallucination | Mana | Mana | Mana | 600 | | Most Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light | Darkness | Confusion | 400 | Confusion | Light | Nexus | Inertia | 200 | Slow | Light | Nether | Electricity | 1200 | DEX Drain | Jewelry/Device Light | Chaos | Fire | 1200 | STR Drain | Flammables Light | Mana | Water | 300 | Confusion/Stun | Scrolls Darkness | Nexus | Gravity | 150 | Tele/Slow/Stun | Most Items Darkness | Nether | Cold | 1200 | STR Drain | Potions Darkness | Chaos | Acid | 1200 | CHR Drain | Many Items Darkness | Mana | Poison | 800 | Poison | Nexus | Nether | Time | 150 | Drain | Nexus | Chaos | Sound | 400 | Stun | Potions Nexus | Mana | Shards | 400 | Cuts | Potion/Scrolls Nether | Chaos | Hellfire | 400 | Slay Good | Most Items Nether | Mana | Force | 250 | Stun | Many Items Chaos | Mana | Disenchantment | 500 | Cancellation | Magical Items Spell Modes ----------- A table of every runespell mode. Modes influence runespell parameters, including level, cost, fail rate, damage, casting time, size, and duration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Lvl | Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minimized | + 0 | Best efficiency, worst damage, poor size and duration. Extended | + 2 | Good efficiency, poor damage, best duration. Compressed | + 3 | Good efficiency and duration, worst size. Moderate | + 5 | Balanced spell parameters. Enhanced | + 5 | Modifies the runespell type, see Spell Types. Expanded | + 7 | Poor efficiency and duration, best size. Brief | + 8 | Poor efficiency, good damage, worst duration. Half energy. Maximized | +10 | Worst efficiency, best damage, good size and duration. Spell Types ----------- A table of every runespell type. Types determine the effect of a runespell. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Lvl | Description (+ Enhanced) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bolt | 5 | Fires a single-target missile which may be deflected. + Beam | 10 | Fires a penetrating ray which hits all grids in a line. Cloud | 10 | Engulfs an area for a few turns. + Wall | 15 | Engulfs a line of grids for several turns. Ball | 15 | Fires a large explosion that diminishes with radius. + Burst | 20 | Fires an explosion that deals full damage across radius. Storm | 20 | Engulfs a small area around youself for many turns. + Nimbus | 25 | Channels explosive energy and an elemental shield. Cone | 25 | Sweeps a beam across a narrow, contiguous arc. + Shot | 30 | Fires four brief bolts at one or more targets in an arc. Surge | 30 | Engulfs a quickly expanding area around yourself. + Glyph | 35 | Traces an explosive glyph of warding onto the floor. Flare | 35 | Briefly engulfs a target for high damage, causes backlash. + Nova | 40 | Channels your mana in a star-shaped cloud, causes backlash. Sigil Boni ---------- A table cross referencing boni to element and item TVAL (type value). Boni are restricted as with artifact creation regarding PVAL modifiers. Stat enhancing boni have a chance to include a sustain, and boni occuring both generally and on the item type specifically are more likely to occur. Some weapon/helm boni are specific to staves, boomerangs, and crowns (see (9.4) Artifact creation). All elements associated with a specific resistance may confer that resistance. The 'Any' column indicates boni which are not restricted to a specific type of equipment, and can thus appear on any type of item. If a boni is listed both in this column and the column for a specific equipment type, it is more likely to be conferred to that type of equipment (at twice the probability). Abbreviations (in alphabetical order): AM - Anti-magic shell (see (5.8) under NO_MAGIC) Au - Aura Bl - Blind resist Br - Brand A+ - Charisma bonus (PVAL Required) C+ - Constitution bonus (PVAL Required) Cf - Confusion resist Ch - Chaotic (see (5.8) for details) Cr - Critical bonus (PVAL Required) D+ - Dexterity bonus (PVAL Required) EA - Extra attacks (PVAL Required) FA - Free action Fe - Fear resist FF - Feather falling I+ - Intelligence bonus (PVAL Required) Lv - Levitation Pl - Permanent Light (+1 light radius) HL - Hold life I+ - Intelligence bonus (PVAL Required) [Helm -- Crowns ONLY] If - Infra-vision (PVAL Required) Im - Immunity (One element only!) In - Invisibility (see (5.14) for details) MP - Max mana increase (PVAL Required) [Helm -- Crowns ONLY] Re - Reflection [Armor - Hard Armor and DSM ONLY] Rh - Regen health Rm - Regen mana S+ - Strength bonus (PVAL Required) SD - Slow digestion SI - See invisible SK - Random slay/kill flag Sl - Stealth (PVAL required) Sp - Speed (PVAL Required) Su - Sustain all Va - Vampirism (see (5.13) for details) Vo - Vorpal (Quaking if blunt) (see (5.8) for details on 'IMPACT' and 'VORPAL') W+ - Wisdom bonus (PVAL Required) [Helm -- Crowns ONLY] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Element | Any | Weap | Shield | Armor | Cloak | Crown | Glove | Boot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light | BlSIPl | SI | | | | BlIf | | Darkness | BlSISl | SI | | Sl | InSl | BlIf | | Sl Nexus | Su | SK | | | | | SK | Nether | HL | Va | | HL | HL | | Va | Chaos | Cf | Ch | | | | | | Mana | Rm | | | | | MPRm | MP | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Confusion | W+I+ | | Re | Re | | W+I+ | | Inertia | FASD | | | | | | FA | FA Electricity | ImPlD+ | Br | | | Au | | Br | Fire | ImPlS+ | Br | | | Au | | Br | Water | ImSD | | | | | | | Gravity | FF | | | | FFLv | | | FFLv Cold | ImSDS+ | Br | | | Au | | Br | Acid | ImSDA+ | Br | | | | | Br | Poison | ImC+ | Br | | C+ | | | Br | Time | SpSu | EA | | | | | EA | Sp Sound | Sl | | | Sl | Sl | | | Sl Shards | Rh | VoCr | | | | | Cr | Hellfire | Im | | | | | Fe | | Force | Su | | Re | Re | | | | Disenchantment | AM | | | | | | |