» Contents
» (0) Quickstart
» (1) Introduction
» (2) Installation & setup
» (3) Creating a character & starting to play
» (4) The world
» (5) Item and flag details, elements
» (6) Monster details
» (7) Character details
» (7.2b) Demolition charges (Blast charges)
» (8) Tactics & strategy
» (9) Miscellanous

(7.2a) Maiar initiation effects
(7.3) Abilities
(7.2b) Demolition charges (Blast charges)                                       
At 5.000 Digging skill your character acquires the passive 'Demolitionist' perk
that allows finding certain chemicals and crafting explosive charges from them.
(The effect of charges does not increase with skill, level, or anything else.)

See 'Digging' skill in (7.2) for details about acquiring chemicals, note that
you can use the "/ing" command to turn off/on ingredients drop if you ever feel
it's spammy. To store ingredients more efficiently, buy an Alchemy Satchel at
any town's alchemy shop.
Use a grinding tool (also available at the alchemy shop) to grind items that
you don't need anymore to easily obtain wood chips or reactive metal powder.

By pressing 'A' to activate ingredients or mixtures you can combine them to
create new ingredients or to create new mixtures. The order in which mixing is
done is not important.
Mixtures are works in progress containing at least two different ingredients,
that can be combined with further ingredients until you are satisfied with the
combination. In that case you can activate the mixture and 'combine' it with
itself (think of it as some kind of drying process maybe :-p) and if you used a
valid combination of chemicals you will craft a type of blast charge from it!

A simpler way to create mixtures is to use the slash command "/mix":
  /mix <tag numbers 'n' of chemicals inscribed '@Cn'> [<'*' to self-activate>]
This command mixes chemicals and/or self-activate a mixture, which must all be
inscribed @C<n> where <n> is a numerical tag from 0 to 9.
  /mix 094       -> mix chemicals inscribed '@C0', '@C9' and '@C4'.
  /mix 094*      -> mix those chemicals and self-activate the mixture.
  /mix 3         -> Self-activates a mixture inscribed '@C3'.
Alternative syntax, lower-case for alchemy satchel, upper-case for inventory:
  /mix <satchel-lower-case / inven-upper-case slot letters> [<'*' activates>]
  /mix accD*     -> mix chemicals from the satchel slot (a), two units from the
                    satchel slot (c), one from normal inventory slot (d), and
                    finally self-activate the resulting mixture.
Optional 'x<0-9>' parameter, must be first in line, repeats the whole process!
  /mix x5 bc9E*  -> performs the crafting attempt 5 times.

A mixture that contains no valid combination of ingredients in the correct
amounts is ruined and you can just discard it with 'k'.

You then activate the blast charge to place and arm it. Its fuse will burn down
in a matter of seconds and it will go off, so depending on the fuse length you
might want to hurry up and get away.
If you change your mind in time, you can try to disarm an armed charge before
it goes boom, take care.
See the table below about fuse lengths and note the hint about !F inscription.

An alternative method is to just throw the charge, which will auto-arm it.
(Basically the same conditions as for activating a charge will apply.)
Thrown charges are inferior to carefully planted ones, and will have reduced
effect such as smaller blast radius or lower damage.

Obtaining chemicals/ingredients:
Ingredient            | mining  | looting              | other source
Water                 |         | Potion               | Freshwater sources
Salt water            |         | Potion               | Seawater sources
Lamp oil              |         | Flask                | General store
Acid                  |         |                      | Crafting
Wood chips            | Trees,  |                      | Grinding
                      | bushes  |                      |
Charcoal              |         |                      | Burning wood, crafting
Sulfur                | Magma   | Medium firebreathers (or bigger)
Saltpetre             | Sandwall| Bats, Birds, Hybrids, Novice Mages (rarely)
Ammonia salt          |         | Quadrupeds, Canines, Hydras, Yetis,
                      |         | Medium poisonbreathers (or bigger)
Reactive metal powder | Quartz  |                      | Grinding
Caustic metal ash     |         |                      | Crafting
Caustic salt          |         |                      | Crafting
Vitriol               | Magma   | Medium acidbreathers (or bigger)

Note that in order to find some of these you need a minimum digging skill:
Ammonia salt            at least 10.000 in 'Digging'
Reactive metal powder   at least 10.000 in 'Digging'
Vitriol                 at least 15.000 in 'Digging'
All other chemicals than these three listed drop at demolitionist perk unlock
level ie at Digging skill 5.000.
For reactive metal powder you can get it earlier than listed by using a
grinding tool on items that contain metal.
If you kill monsters that are 'runemaster' egos, they have a chance to drop
any kind of chemicals as long as you have demolitionist unlocked (5.000 skill).

Crafting ingredients from raw materials:
- Wood chips can be processed into charcoal (requires fire-based light source).
- Sulfur + saltpetre + water = flask of acid.
- Vitriol + water or salt water = flask of acid.
- Reactive metal powder + salt water or ammonia salt = caustic metal ash.
- Reactive metal powder + acid or vitriol = caustic salt.
- To obtain water or salt water you can just fill up an empty bottle with
  sea water or freshwater at the appropriate terrain. To obtain empty bottles
  you can make use of the "/empty" command or the "keep_bottle" option in  =0 .

Crafting actual explosive charges:
Activate a mixture with itself after you added all required ingredients or use
the "/mix" command described above, to craft an explosive charge from it.
The type will depend on the ingredients.
Note that you can inscribe charges !Fn where n ranges from 0 to 15 and sets
the fuse timer in seconds until it blows up. If the inscription is omitted
the charges use type-specific standard fuse lengths listed in this table.

Charge type     | Char- Sul- Salt- Ammonia Reactive Caustic Caustic Lamp | Std.
                | coal  fur  petre salt    m.powder m.ash   salt    oil  | fuse
                |  Effect description                                    |
Blast           |   1    1     2                                         |  3s
 (alternative)  |                    3                                1  |
                |  Basic detonation                                      |
Large Blast     |   1    1     3                                         |  5s
 (alternative)  |                    3                 1              1  |
                |  Basic detonation                                      |
Surgical        |   2    2     3     3                                   |  5s
                |  Beam-like detonation                                  |
Ground-shaking  |   1    1     3                              1          |  9s
                |  Earthquake                                            |
Destructor      |   2    2     3                              3          | 10s
                |  *Destruction*                                         |
Fire            |   2    1     2                       1                 |  5s
                |  Fireball                                              |
Firestorm       |   2    2     3                       2                 |  9s
                |  Firestorm                                             |
Firewall        |   3    2     2                       1                 |  2s
                |  Firewall                                              |
Wrecking        |                    3                 1              2  |  2s
                |  Creates rubble                                        |
Cascading       |                    3                 3              2  |  2s
                |  Creates walls                                         |
Tactical        |                    3                 2              2  |  2s
                |  Stone prison                                          |
Flash bomb      |   1    1     2               2                         |  2s
                |  Blinding                                              |
Concussive      |   1    1     2                       1                 |  2s
                |  Stunning                                              |
L-Concussive    |   1    1     2                       2                 |  3s
                |  Stunning                                              |
Underground     |   1    2     2                              1          |  7s
                |  Open up water/lava grids from underground streams     |

Aside from blast charges it's possible to craft fireworks:
Charcoal + sulfur + 2x saltpetre + 2x reactive metal powder
 + scroll of light or scroll of fire = scroll of firework (of random type)
Using a scroll of fire will always result in 'big' types of firework scrolls.
(7.2a) Maiar initiation effects
(7.3) Abilities