» Contents
» (0) Quickstart
» (1) Introduction
» (2) Installation & setup
» (2.2a) Audio controls and config options
» (3) Creating a character & starting to play
» (4) The world
» (5) Item and flag details, elements
» (6) Monster details
» (7) Character details
» (8) Tactics & strategy
» (9) Miscellanous

(2.2) Installing sound and music packs
(2.2b) Manually editing sound and music configuration
(2.2a) Audio controls and config options                                        
You can control mixer settings with CTRL+U key on normal keyset and CTRL+F on
rogue-like keyset (or use CTRL+C to toggle music and CTRL+N to toggle the
master mixer on/off, CTRL+V instead of CTRL+N on rogue-like keyset).

Note: Mixer settings are saved automatically, provided you use CTRL+Q to quit.
(Compare troubleshooting section (9.8), PROBLEM 22.)

Also be sure to press '=' key to have a look at the audio options.

If you want to temporarily disable all loading/initializing of audio then
instead of editing the config file's 'Sound' entry you can just use the '-q'
command-line option.

If you want to use your own sound and music, and create audio packs for other
players, read (2.2b) below.
(2.2) Installing sound and music packs
(2.2b) Manually editing sound and music configuration