» Contents
» (0) Quickstart
» (1) Introduction
» (2) Installation & setup
» (2.1e) Android (custom/compilation)
» (3) Creating a character & starting to play
» (4) The world
» (5) Item and flag details, elements
» (6) Monster details
» (7) Character details
» (8) Tactics & strategy
» (9) Miscellanous

(2.1d) FreeBSD (custom/compilation)
(2.2) Installing sound and music packs
(2.1e) Android (custom/compilation)                                             
Compilation is straight-forward and similar to Linux:

- Install "termux" from F-Droid repository. Do NOT install the version from
  Google Play store! (Or you might not be able to download all packages.)
  F-Droid is an open source repository that is available at:

- In termux, issue this command to ensure that the repository is up to date:
    pkg up

- In termux, issue these commands to install the SDL2 audio mixer library:
    pkg in x11-repo
    pkg in sdl2-mixer

- You might also need to install these tools:
    pkg in mc        -> the midnight commander ('mc') just for quality of life.
    pkg in git       -> this is required to download the tomenet repository.
    pkg in make      -> this is required for client compilation.
    pkg in clang     -> this is required for client compilation.
    pkg in wget      -> you can use the 'wget' command to download audio packs,
                        but it might not work and you'll have to download them
                        in your webbrowser instead if mediafire is under load.
    pkg in p7zip     -> the '7z' command is needed to extract audio packs.

- Get the latest github TomeNET source, as the most recent release at the time
  of writing this was 4.9.2 and it doesn't have the required code yet:
    git clone https://www.github.com/TomeNETGame/tomenet

- Enter the cloned repository, go straight into the source folder:
    cd tomenet/src

- Issue the build command, specifically using the GCU-makefile:
    make tomenet -f makefile.gcu

- After compilation finished, move the resulting 'tomenet' binary up one level
  and return to the main level, in order to run the game binary:
    mv tomenet ..
    cd ..

- Optionally, grab a sound pack and/or music pack, eg the official ones from
  the forum here:
  and extract them to the tomenet/lib/xtra/ folder, so you end up with the
  folders tomenet/lib/xtra/sound and tomenet/lib/xtra/music respectively.

  Example command to download some music/audio packs from mediafire via 'wget':
    wget https://www.mediafire.com/file/issv5sdv7kv3odq/TomeNET-soundpack.7z
    wget https://www.mediafire.com/file/3j87kp3fgzpqrqn/TomeNET-musicpack.7z
  However, these might not work if mediafire is currently under heavy load, in
  which case you'll have to download the packs in your webbrowser instead and
  move them to your termux home folder by using some file manager on your
  device which is able to access the termux home folder as well as the device's
  download folder, so you can move the downloaded zip or 7z files into termux.

  After you acquired the audio pack zip files and moved them into the
  tomenet/lib/xtra/ folder, navigate into it with 'cd' command, eg:
    cd ~/tomenet/lib/xtra/
  and there use the '7z' command to extract them, eg:
    7z x TomeNET-Soundpack.7z
    7z x TomeNET-Musicpack.7z
  Verify by issuing the 'ls' command, it should show the 'sound' and 'music'
  folder (among other things) respectively.
  Finally, navigate back from tomenet/lib/xtra/ to tomenet/ by ascending twice:
    cd ../..

- Run the game:
  Most of the usual linux command-line options are available, such as "-q".
  If you get the error message "TomeNET needs an 80x24 'curses' screen", make
  sure that termux has at least a visible text area of 80x24, bigger is ok too.
  You can just pinch-zoom out the display, which will shrink the termux font!
  Or you can switch the on-screen keyboard to 'floating' mode, which means it
  no longer takes up screen estate at all, but hovers 'over' any content.

- Optionally enable big_map mode (double-size main screen):
  The GCU TomeNET client newer than 4.9.2 (get the latest github code if your
  client is 4.9.2 or older) actually supports big_map mode. However, it does
  not support live-switching as of the time writing this. Instead you manually
  have to edit .tomenetrc in your home folder (or whatever config file you
  specify via command-line) and set "Mainwindow_Lines 46". This will enable
  big_map mode next time you start the client with this config file.
  This info and more details are also found in PROBLEM 74 in 'Troubleshooting'
  (chapter (9.8)).

- In the game, note that you might need to switch the key set to "rogue-like"
  in order to move. This can be done directly by (in-game) pressing  = 1 A
  to toggle the option. (See (0.2) for key set details.)

- Optionally enable arrow keys for movement:
  If you want to move using the arrow keys and your client version is not newer
  than 4.9.2, please see PROBLEM 75 in 'Troubleshooting' (9.8) and consider
  downloading the pref-gcu.prf file form github, put it into lib/user folder.
(2.1d) FreeBSD (custom/compilation)
(2.2) Installing sound and music packs