» Contents
» (0) Quickstart
» (1) Introduction
» (2) Installation & setup
» (2.1a) Windows (custom/compilation)
» (3) Creating a character & starting to play
» (4) The world
» (5) Item and flag details, elements
» (6) Monster details
» (7) Character details
» (8) Tactics & strategy
» (9) Miscellanous

(2.1) Installing/updating TomeNET (Windows/Linux/Mac OS X)
(2.1b) Linux (custom/compilation)
(2.1a) Windows (custom/compilation)                                             
It is recommended to get the installer package instead of the zip archives.
You can safely install TomeNET over an already existing installation (just
make sure to quit the game first!), the installer will not reset/delete your
existing macros, settings or custom audio packs (it will only overwrite things
in 'lib/xtra/music' and 'lib/xtra/sound' ie the official audio packs).

The Nullsoft Installer framework (NSIS) the Windows installer uses is an open
source project (https://sourceforge.net/projects/nsis/), yet annoyingly there
are a few badly maintained virus scanners that may give a wrong positive
warnings for NSIS. In the past Avira was notorious for it but it seems they
fixed it, nowadays it seems to be Acronis instead, at least at the time of
writing these lines. Anyway, you can safely ignore those *ahem*.
A fun fact: The TomeNET Windows version has never seen an actual Windows
system but was created purely on Linux.

If you used the ZIP archive instead of the installer, 7-zip is recommended for
extracting it. It's a free and open source zip-tool of outstanding performance
that works on all platforms. Grab it from https://www.7-zip.org/ .

If you use a foreign IME setting, eg korean or japanese, switch it to US-EN IME
(compare problem 54 in the troubleshooting section (9.8)) or you might not be
able to use most keys aside from arrow keys for basic movement.

There is also a manual in your TomeNET folder, the file is called
"TomeNET-Guide.txt". Double-click to read it. It is recommended to not open it
in Wordpad, but either in Notepad or in any web browser of your choice, because
Wordpad tends to warp the layout badly.
Alternatively you can find the latest version of the manual online for browsing
and easy searching, on the TomeNET homepage (https://www.tomenet.eu/).
The guide can even be accessed inside the game by pressing ? twice or ~g.

If you're tech savvy, you could decide to edit the game configuration manually,
but that is not really required. Continue reading below if you want to do that.

If you are using Valve's Steam and are interested on how to integrate TomeNET
into it, check out (2.3) :D.

On how to run the game, connect to the game server and start playing, continue
reading at (2.4)!

Windows - Manually editing the configuration file (if you're tech savvy):
You may edit the file "TomeNET.ini" and do some changes to your likings, like
setting up window positions (note that the game will remember window positions
changed via dragging the windows around, which is an easier way), or choosing
font size (look into lib/xtra/font directory to see available fonts).
Further you can specify an account name and password to be filled in
automatically, and various other things.

Windows command-line options:
-h                      Displays this list of command-line parameters
-I                      Force-disable IME. Input Method Editors are for CJK
                        languages ie chinese, japanese, korean, to allow using
                        their keyboard layouts that use multiple keypresses to
                        construct a character.
                        If you don't use such a keyboard, but TomeNET still
                        auto-detects your system as 'IME' you can safely
                        disable IME in case you suspect it causes any problems
                        for you. This might be the case if you like to switch
                        your keyboard language via keyboard shortcut while
                        TomeNET is focussed or to ALT-TAB out of TomeNET.
                        Another way is to permanently set this in TomeNET.ini
                        via 'ForceIMEOff=1'.
-i                      Force-enable IME. See '-I' explanation above. Enable
                        this if you have an IME system (eg CJK language) and
                        TomeNET wrongly auto-detects your system as non-IME.
                        Another way is to permanently set this in TomeNET.ini
                        via 'ForceIMEOn=1'.
-C                      Compatibility mode for ancient servers (deprecated)
-F <fps>                Set client internal engine fps (default is 100)
-l<Account> <Password>  For example -lGandalf geheim
-N<character name>      For example -NDruidor
-R <character name>     Character name to choose and auto-reincarnate it
-p<Port>                For example -p19348
-P <path to lib dir>    Sets the path to TomeNET's 'lib' folder
-k                      Don't disable numlock on client startup
-m                      Skip motd (message of the day) on login
-q                      Turns off loading/initializing of audio ('quiet mode')
-u                      Disables automatic LUA script updating
                        (You should NOT use this option!)
-w                      Disables weather effects
-v                      Automatically save chat log on exit (exclusive with -V)
-V                      Automatically save complete message log on exit
-x                      Don't save chat/message log on exit (don't prompt)
<ip address>            for example

(Skip down to (2.4) to continue reading.)

Windows (cross-compiling from Linux):
Install the usual compiling environment with gcc or clang.

For the crosscompiling part, install mingw32 and take note of the folder prefix
it installs to, in most cases it will be 'i686-w64-mingw32', so it will install
to /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/...  with notable subfolders include/, lib/ and bin/.
Edit the makefile.mingw to have MINGW_TARGET reflect the prefix.

For regexp search (only used for the guide-search in c-cmd.c) you will probably
need a regexp lib, mingw-libgnurx should work fine.

Next, for sound support you will have to download at least SDL2 and SDL2-mixer
v2.6 or higher. Optionally you can get SMPEG for MP3-support or MikMod for
various mod-file suport, and libogg/libvorbis, but it's not required.
Make sure you do _not_ download the designated 'mingw32' tar.gz from the
libsdl.org page but get the generic src tarball at the top of that page
Detailed instructions for installing SDL are provided by Mikael here:
These aim at SDL 1 though, we have now migrated to SDL 2, so they don't apply
directly anymore, but they might still be helpful in some way.

Adjust the makefile.mingw accordingly, which means setting SDL_CONFIG to the
sdl2-config script that should now be installed inside your mingw-prefix folder
so probably it looks like SDL_CONFIG = /usr/$(MINGW_TARGET)/bin/sdl2-config.

You should be able to cross-compile the client now. First a paranoid clean-up,
then build the client (or server I guess, if desired):
make clean
make tomenet.exe
(Or for the server: make tomenet.server.exe)
(2.1) Installing/updating TomeNET (Windows/Linux/Mac OS X)
(2.1b) Linux (custom/compilation)