TomeNET Skill Builder

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You have used 0 skill point. The level requirement is 1.


Be a good allrounder with no special weaknesses or strengths.
Enjoy having no experience penalties. Level up fast! There are no racial adjustments.
Get a bonus on climbing and a large bonus on Interception.

Stat changes from this race:
STR:0 INT:0 WIS:0 DEX:0 CON:0 CHR:0 HP:10 EXP%: 100% Infra=0ft


Enjoy hack-and-slash. Fall back on magical devices. Maximize strength and constitution.
Benefit from good dexterity. Do well at melee
and bows. You can forget most other skills. Dont learn any magic. Still be able to
train in magic devices. Dual-wield with light armour. Go two handed for heavy armour.
Get more melee attacks per round. Have the option to be an unbeliever and train anti-magic,
forgoing wands, staffs, rods.
Just use potions and read scrolls. Perhaps become monk-like by training
Martial Arts with no armour or very light armour.
Relish a class that is easy, even for beginners. Optimise with high strength, light weapons and more blows per round.
Make your macro for Sprint and Taunt!

Stat changes from this class:
STR:+5 INT:-2 WIS:-2 DEX:+2 CON:+2 CHR:-1 HP:10 EXP%: +0%

If the race increases a particular skill's amount or ratio, leaves it unchanged, or decreases it, the amount or
ratio field will have a different background colour: Increased (green), unchanged (white), decreased (khaki).
Skill nameAmountRatio of increase per point invested
* Weaponmastery1.0001.000
** Sword-mastery0.0000.800
** Axe-mastery0.0000.800
** Blunt-mastery0.0000.800
** Polearm-mastery0.0000.800
* Martial Arts0.0000.700
* Interception2.0000.919
** Sling-mastery0.0000.300
** Bow-mastery0.0000.350
** Crossbow-mastery0.0000.350
* Boomerang-mastery0.0000.500
* Magic Schools
* Prayer Schools
* Druidic Schools
* Mindcraft Schools
* Occultism
* Runecraft
* Blood Magic
** Necromancy0.0001.000
** Aura of Fear0.0001.000
** Shivering Aura0.0001.000
** Aura of Death0.0001.000
* Magic-device0.0000.700
* Stealth0.0000.600
* Dodging0.0000.800
* Calmness0.0001.000
* Trapping0.0000.600
* Swimming0.0000.120
* Climbing0.0000.115
* Digging0.0001.200

Discuss this tool and report bugs and anomalies here. Thank you!