Gain skills

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Gain skills

Post by mxb2001 »

The guide could really use a tutorial for this complicated business. I'm starting to get the hang of it but when I started out I did it completely wrong. I'm probably still doing it mostly wrong.

I mean do you practice only skills that are higher than 1.000?

What about swimming & climbing which are ultra low? I know they max out at 1.000 but it still means about 20-25 pracs in each! How many pracs do you need to swim a little? Or to climb?

What about Necromancy? It's 1.000 for most characters making it a good deal for many of them. I can see though that each skill has a special purpose, Traumaturgy is good for sucking mana by casters. Fear aura for casters and archers to force opponents to range. Et cetera.

Do you spread pracs across all fields? Or do you try and max out 5 (or if you prac only those above 1.000 more as that will give you some spares each level... i.e. if combat is 2.000 you only need to prac it every second level and can keep it maxed out.
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Re: Gain skills

Post by darwin »

I have same problem. Talking other players helped and they said use the skill builder, but I was still confused because different skills are best for different races/classes, and this isn't explained anywhere.
        I had to delete my 36th-level character because I'd done skills wrong according to more experienced players. :(
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