I've decided to make online game... Why I do it and how do I plan to do it - in my new video:
It's 1st stream with concepts. I'm trying to give explanation why I started this project and which instuments we would use.
Web-page of the game at my tavern: http://mmoforum.org/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=425
I'm very interested in your opinions, guys. As a rookie in coding and gamedev, I need all kinds of advices. Would be very glad to hear your feedback!
Kind regards,
Tangar GameGlaz
The only 'gamedev' thing which I made in my life was tileset for TomeNET - http://mmoforum.org/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=397
Btw, my tileset is in a public domain, feel free to use it in your projects without any restrictions!