Since version 4.4.5, the TomeNET client has a built-in audio system featuring sound effects and music.
The client itself doesn't ship with any audio files except for a paging beep tone though.
To get sound and music, you have to download according addon packs, for example here:
sound pack (~9.3MB):
music pack (~143MB):
Install 7-zip from and place the audio pack(s) into your TomeNET folder.
Start the game and press = key and then Shift+i, and the client will unzip and install the pack(s).
The guide explains both this automatic and also manual installation in easy steps in chapter (2.1a).
In the actual game, you can access audio options in '=' menu (UI-Options 2), and you can hit CTRL+U to invoke a mixer screen, as well as CTRL+C to toggle music and CTRL+N to toggle all audio.
Other audio packs people made:
Please look into this sticky forum thread for everyone to post their stuff:
Audio packs
Re: Audio packs
Sound fx pack has been updated, link stays the same.
New sfx:
-sling shot
-cast bolt/beam
-grow trees
-stone prison/wall trap/wall creation
New sfx:
-sling shot
-cast bolt/beam
-grow trees
-stone prison/wall trap/wall creation
Re: Audio packs
Another update: "shriek" sfx added.
Edit: Another small update: "cast_bolt" volume increased.
Edit: Another small update: "cast_bolt" volume increased.
Re: Audio packs
Update: 'Potion Shatter' sfx added.
Re: Audio packs
The music pack has been updated to support dungeon towns.
Re: Audio packs
Sound pack update:
Added a rune/firestone sound to the sound pack.
Added a rune/firestone sound to the sound pack.
Re: Audio packs
This has already been done months ago, but I forgot to list it here:
Sound pack now also has sounds for mage staves and boomerangs.
Sound pack now also has sounds for mage staves and boomerangs.
Re: Audio packs
Music pack was updated and has a different mediafire-URL now.
Bree and Lothlorien music have been replaced and it contains additional music for each city at night. (Will take until release of next server version to be fully supported, already works on the two official servers.)
Bree and Lothlorien music have been replaced and it contains additional music for each city at night. (Will take until release of next server version to be fully supported, already works on the two official servers.)
Re: Audio packs
Sound pack was updated: *Destruction* is a bit louder now. Mediafire URL has changed too.
Re: Audio packs
A 'warning' triple-beep sfx has been added, which is played for
-low hit point warning
-low sanity warning
-alert_afk_dam (taking hp/sanity/xp damage while afk)
To utilise this sfx, the upcoming client 4.5.3 will be required.
-low hit point warning
-low sanity warning
-alert_afk_dam (taking hp/sanity/xp damage while afk)
To utilise this sfx, the upcoming client 4.5.3 will be required.