I've just discovered very unusual game: Wyvern - roguelike-MUD; it's something in the middle of this two genres; inspired by NetHack, Crossfire & other oldschool games. It's pretty deep game with rich world, much deeper than modern MMORPGs

Currently it works @ mobiles - Android/iOS. PC client comming soon, right now to play at PC you have to use Android emulator; I recommend MEMU ( http://www.memuplay.com/ ) for Windows and Anbox ( https://anbox.io/ ) for Linux).
This is my 1st time in Wyvern, first impressions:
And it's my second adventure... And it's not what I've expected! This game is even better than I first thought! Mind-blowing deeeeep...
Hope to see your feedback!

Actually this game has something common to TomeNET - both games got complex and unique gameplay; very rare quality this days.